Micro-Influencer Marketing

Promote your products and service with relevant influencers

Why Influanza?

Pay for engagement,
not number of followers.

It’s very cost-effective to work with micro-influencers because the cost to activate a micro-influencer is based on higher engagement rate, more organic content, and relevant audience.

Relevant community
of micro-influencers.

Micro-influencers are social media users who have between 1,000 to 100,000 followers. Their social media content are in specific niche categories. Businesses working with them will be targeting a relevant audience for their products or services. They are also able to generate higher engagement then celebrity influencers. They have ability to influence their followers’ opinions and purchase decisions. That means more value for your money.

Find high-quality micro-influencers
with Influanza Score

Influanza Score is an algorithm that tells you about the quality of the micro-influencer’s content on their social media channels. Built to highlight successful content creators. Project owners use it to select micro-influencers for their project at Influanza. Micro-influencers on the other hand, track their Influanza score and improve their Instagram profile & content.

How Does It Work?

Choose your social media platform
Select project type
Set budget or exchange item

Click “Create Project” to choose the platforms you want to promote your product or service (e.g. Instagram, Youtube, etc.)
Then select your project type such as Product Service Exchange or Paid Project.
You can send giveaway products to the micro-influencers or set a budget (starts at $100) for the promotion.

Publish your project
Review Proposals
Compare Influanza Score's

Once your project have been published on Influanza, it will be announced to the relevant micro-influencers and they will begin to make proposals for your project.
To review a proposal, you’ll get a description from the micro-influencer of what they can do for your project.
Finally, you can review creators with their Influanza Score which show their social media engagement.

Select your influencers
Talk with them about your expectations

After reviewing your proposals, you can decline the ones you won’t work with and choose the one you’ll hire.
Next, you’ll be given a chance to review their offer and confirm your hire. You will be asked to pay the fee,
or deliver your product or service; however, no funds will be exchanged until you approve creator’s content.

Content will be published
Monitor engagement and ROI

Once you approve the micro-influencer, they will publish and share a post about your product or service
on their social media channels. It will drive new likes, comments, views, engagement and ultimately
ROI to your business.

Review the project and the micro-influencer

You can review the micro-influencers after the project is completed.
There you can give ratings and write your reviews about their process, engagement and work. So that the other businesses can see and use them while making decisions.

Case Studies

Best practices from businesses who chose Influanza as their micro-influencer marketing solution.


Multubiev Cleaning Services Promotion


Lamy Safari Product Promotion

Estee Lauder Companies

Estee Lauder Holiday Countdown 2016


Tayga Baltacioglu - MutluBiEv

Influanza, increased our brand awareness within our target market. Thank you for providing very close support and being a valuable partner.

Mehmet N. Duru - Red Bull

Very convenient way to find top quality influencers to capture a new community.


Micro-influencers from all around the world.

Mostly Amelie

World Traveler from Berlin

Freiheit Berlin

Fashion Lover from Berlin

Julia March

Travel & Fashion Enthusiast from Milan


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    +90 533 603 7558

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    Charlottenstraße 2
    10969 Berlin, Germany


    Harman Sokagi, No:5
    34394 Sisli, Istanbul, Turkey

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